Market day in Mombin Crochu, a mountain village in the northeast quadrant of Haiti.
In 2019, Keith Earle of St. George Church and School of San Antonio put Texas Water Mission (TWM) in touch with Father Goursse at partner school St. Benoit in Mombin Crochu. The Haitian church and school needed an additional supply of fresh water and hoped that TWM could help. TWM rose to the occasion, working with the international Water Mission to install a solar powered rainwater catchment system with 22,000 gallon reservoir. Despite tumultuous political and environmental upheavals, the project was completely finished in late 2021. The following photo gallery highlights the project and the people’s joie de vivre…

TWM currently does not have additional projects in Haiti planned. However, should funds and the right project fall into place, we would consider returning to this beautiful country.