Texas Water Mission (TWM) began drilling water wells and offering health and hygiene education to rural Honduran communities in 2003, following Hurricane Mitch. In 2020 TWM partnered with Water Mission International to install a solar powered rainwater system in Haiti. Since 2019, the organization has developed several water projects in the Navajo Nation and continues to find safe water solutions in this region. Our projects have provided over 75,000 people with water, sanitation and hygiene (also known as WASH) in the form of wells, cisterns, water filters, and health and hygiene training.
Testing a completed well in Hondruas
Collaborate with communities to find an appropriate safe water solution. This could be a water well, rainwater harvesting, spring conservation, water filtration, and/or any other affordable method to facilitate access to clean drinking water.
Provide coordination and financial support to make projects possible. This may include partnering with other nonprofits or local governments. We require communities to participate in their water projects.
Provide health and hygiene education to the communities where we work.
Raise money for projects. Fundraising efforts include grant requests, soliciting corporate and individual support, and sale of our Honduran coffee brand “Coffee Into Water.”
Residents with their home water filters at the end of a two-day health and hygiene workshop at Christ King Episcopal Church in Danli, Honduras
We maximize impact by teaming with partners such as Rotary International and World Vision who share our commitment to sustainable water resources. Texas Water Mission and Rotary Clubs from San Antonio, Texas, and Danli, Honduras, partnered with World Vision to build eight water wells in the El Paraiso District of Honduras. In the region’s small villages these collaborative well projects transform daily life by eliminating water borne disease and giving back hours a day to the women and children who no longer have to spend time hauling water.
Water testing kit for cistern project at St. John’s the Baptizer Episcopal Church in Bluff, Utah (Navajoland)
As a result, the women were free to begin a micro-enterprise business that has allowed them to contribute to their family income and raise their family's standard of living. This, in turn, has also raised the self-esteem of these women. All these positive changes started from drilling a water well.
TWM’s Mission
To support communities in need by providing safe drinking water and hygiene solutions.
Texas Water Mission will continue to provide access to water and health/hygiene education in Honduras an other geographies globally, using available, practical, and efficient means of accessing clean water. TWM will be known for innovation in water resources and health and hygiene education for communities in need.