AN EASY LIFT: Join us to provide access to safe drinking water for rural Hondurans and residents of the Navajo Nation
Inhabitants of Las Acacias, Honduras, around a dried up hand dug well. They currently have no source of clean water in their community and must purchase it.
Defunct water access point in the Navajo Nation near Monument Valley. TWM is working to install a new water access point that will serve several thousand residents who lack running water in their homes.
Your purchase of tickets to our September 26, 2023 gala supports water solutions for Honduras and the Navajo Nation…
Photos of last year’s Wine & Water celebration, left to right: speaker Rev. Paula Henson from Navajoland, guests being entertained during live auction, and the auctioneer hawking a weekend at a luxury Austin condo.
You also have the opportunity to sponsor a table or help underwrite the dinner expense…
Benefits of Sponsorship or Underwriting: It costs $150 per guest to put on this annual event. That means any amount you give to offset the basic cost (a 100% tax deductible donation), allows more event income to go directly to projects. Click on the button below to purchase tickets, sponsor a table, or make any size donation to help underwrite event expenses. You will be recognized (if you wish) for your generous support.
And don’t forget - you can always buy coffee!
Proceeds support water well drilling and maintenance, and health and hygiene education in Honduras.
Discounts available for purchase of multiple bags.
Our single origin, small farm Honduran beans are freshly roasted (and ground if you desire) by local partner Volunteer Coffee and delivered to your door.
We will have coffee for sale and sampling at the gala. In the meantime, click below to order and enjoy!
For questions, comments, or interest in becoming involved, please email ED Linda Stone.